Your Sage 50 business accounting software provided you with the bookkeeping capabilities you needed to get your company started, but you’ve grown, have more customers, more employees, more data and more demands.

So what do you do when you think you many have outgrown your current accounting software package?

  1. Be Proactive – don’t wait too long to replace your inadequate system as you’ll eventually lose productivity and not be able to pull sufficient data to make good business decisions.
  2. Make the Decision to Move to a New System Based on Potential Return – moving your business to a new accounting system is a large decision that needs to be based on cost evaluations.  What is the potential cost if you continue using your inadequate system?  What efficiencies could your business achieve with an updated, automated accounting system?
  3. Find a Trustworthy Software Reseller as Your Partner – software resellers exist to help support companies during their move from one software package to another.  Be sure to find one that is looking out for your best interest, not just trying to sell you “their” software solution.
  4. Determine Your Needs and Wants in a New Software Package – software resellers can help you determine your current and future must have software features as well as new and exciting feature that could benefit your company.
  5. Select the Right Solution to Fit Your Unique Business Needs – make sure the new system will be able to grow with your company and be sure to understand the differences between standard functionality versus extra customizations.

If you think your business is starting to outgrow your Sage 50 system, QuantumBuyers offers a free Needs Assessment valued at $250.  Contact us at 866.686.1329 or